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We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.
We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.
New EU support for Mobility approved
Amledo & Co has in collaboration with The National Trade and Employers’ Association of the Wood Processing and Furniture Industry in Sweden (TMF) obtained EU support for mobility of IVT.
Through internship and exchange students receive international work experience and skills in their professional field. There is also a chance to improve language skills and meet other cultures.
Amledo & Co is also in partnership with The Vocational Training Board of the Swedish Motor Trade (MYN) arranging mobility for Swedish teachers and pupils in the vehicle sectors vocational training. The EU vocational training program Leonardo da Vinci reimburses costs for students’ travel, accommodation and subsistence.