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Vi på Amledo & Co är specialiserade på projektansökningar, rapporter, utvärdering, marknadsföring och kommunikation med fokus på eu-bidrag och offentlig finansiering.
Fordonselever får beröm
13 mar
Provehicle 2023-2027
13 feb
Amledo & Co is assigned by the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises
Amledo & Co is assigned by the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises (Transportgruppen) to submit an application Erasmus+ KA1 call 2019 for mobility of VET staff and learners in vehicle.
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises is an umbrella organisation for associations and companies in the transportation sector in Sweden. The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises aim is to represent the entire transport sector. And with eight member associations which altogether organise 10 500 companies with around 194 000 employees and is a part of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises works to ensure that the companies’ current and future employees receive vocational training and further education. Conduct this long-term competence development initiative together with several partner organisations. The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises includes eight employers’ and trade associations.
Provehicle is a collaboration between Transportföretagen, Amledo & Co and 24 Swedish upper secondary schools with vehicle programs. Erasmus + supports Provehicle