Companies can no longer solely rely on classroom-based instruction or linear training by watching someone perform a task and then repeating it. They require to build effective teams and solve problems in a fast paced environment in a collaborative fashion. Work-based learning must follow suit and this raises the question of how apprentices/trainees are supported, mentored and assessed in the work-place. Similarly there is a need for employers to recognize how trainees are engaged in today’s VET centres in teaching and learning in order that there is a ‘joined up’ approach. between the two.
The objective is to increase the skills of tutors in company to be able to host, train, monitor and assess the apprentices/students and design a process to facilitate the participation of SMEs in the dual VET system (or any other scheme of hosting students in companies). The project will aim to promote a training culture amongst companies, especially SMEs, through awareness raising activities and utilizing the experience of companies with a prior experience of hosting VET students and showing the beneficial results for the organization.
The DELTA industry partners will include both large enterprises and niche players in a range of industries all with a need to develop new forms of support and assessment in the skills and competences that are required in today’s workplace. By involving industry partners the project will create real applications and methodologies that will work across multiple sectors, and tried and tested in a ‘real world’ setting.
Partners are Amledo & Co AB, IHK-projektgesellschaft mbh, Pixel – associazione cultural, Heziketa teknikoko elkartea, Kleinon srl and Dundee and Angus College projekt coordinator
Delta 2017-1-UK01- KA202-036810

Kick-off Delta
Companies can no longer solely rely on classroom-based instruction or linear training by watching someone perform a task and then repeating it. They require to build effective teams and solve problems in a fast paced environment in a collaborative fashion. Work-based learning must follow suit and this raises the question of how apprentices/trainees are supported, mentored and assessed in the work-place. Similarly there is a need for employers to recognize how trainees are engaged in today’s VET centres in teaching and learning in order that there is a ‘joined up’ approach. between the two.
The objective is to increase the skills of tutors in company to be able to host, train, monitor and assess the apprentices/students and design a process to facilitate the participation of SMEs in the dual VET system (or any other scheme of hosting students in companies). The project will aim to promote a training culture amongst companies, especially SMEs, through awareness raising activities and utilizing the experience of companies with a prior experience of hosting VET students and showing the beneficial results for the organization.
The DELTA industry partners will include both large enterprises and niche players in a range of industries all with a need to develop new forms of support and assessment in the skills and competences that are required in today’s workplace. By involving industry partners the project will create real applications and methodologies that will work across multiple sectors, and tried and tested in a ‘real world’ setting.
Partners are Amledo & Co AB, IHK-projektgesellschaft mbh, Pixel – associazione cultural, Heziketa teknikoko elkartea, Kleinon srl and Dundee and Angus College projekt coordinator
Delta 2017-1-UK01- KA202-036810