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    We at Amledo & Co specialize in project development, human resource, research, evaluation, marketing and communications with focus on European projects.

E-learning for Mentors in European Vehicle Business

Education experts from Germany, Scotland and Sweden are developing practice-oriented guideline for mentors in motor vehicle companies. It´s the fifth work package from a total of seven intellectual outputs in this European education project. A partner meeting in august 2017 served to discuss and structure the upcoming work tasks in the current stage of work. A bench marking mentor manual was set up. The German know-how is valuable and Scottish experience of using company based incitement for vehicle learners to improve learning was highlighted. A Moodle open source platform was build and will be used as the perfect education solution for our needs,  


Comparative analysis of vocational training and work based learning in Germany, Scotland and Sweden
Assessment of workplace quality in Germany, Scotland and Sweden

Analyse of learners’ self-evaluation tools in work based learning in Germany, Scotland and Sweden


Tool for learners’ self-evaluation of work based learning in Germany, Scotland and Sweden

The ERASMUS+  project “Work-based learning in the vehicle industry” is funded by the European Commission. The project number:  2015-1-SE01-KA202-012241